
Grandidierite lives up to its name. Despite its often small size, the stone is Grand, or grand. It is a Master Healing Crystal, specifically for the areas from the heart chakra to the higher Chakras. When you hold the stone, you feel a joyful energy flowing through your body in a calm, peaceful way. It enters directly into your heart, it feels like a loving touch from the Divine Source itself. All the musings in your head, the noise on the line, it cleanses and it also helps you forgive yourself and others. Grandidierite brings clarity. It works on your senses, changes how you hear or say things. No longer from heaviness, pain and charge, but teaches you to listen and speak from your heart, from your 'being'. It is an Aquarius stone with a high vibration, connected to the sea and the loving energy of Whales and Dolphins. Grandidierite helps to heal and leave behind ingrained patterns, beliefs, conditioning, charge and fears. All our experiences are present within us, but are cleansed of all charge. The energy of the Aquarius consciousness, which is also called New Earth energy, stands for: Transformation, unity, wholeness, love, acceptance, charity, compassion, freedom, and experiencing free will. Like a sea, it washes everything clean. Liberation from old, painful emotions, from conditioning and experiences from the past. It shows you again that you are a beautiful, divine being, that you are not damaged, but whole. It also lets you feel that we are all one, but that each person has their own unique blueprint. It is a very powerful stone that connects the higher chakras with the heart. The crystal connects us again with our Divine origin. It opens your eyes and your heart to see the beauty in everything around you. It helps you to focus on joy, love, generosity of the human spirit instead of continuing to give power to negativity. It will break open blockages with laser-like precision, gently and lovingly cleanse, activate and align chakras. Grandidierite inspires us to reach out to others in a peaceful and positive way, to remain aware, to act with compassion, to be gentle and kind. You will start to see the positive mirrors in others instead of the negative ones. If you feel that you have lost your passion or purpose, if you feel blocked or obstructed, let Grandidierite guide you. It will connect you directly with the Divine within you, your Higher self, the Angel that you are. If you are very tired or listless, have little energy, the stone will give you new energy. Energetically, the stone seems to be related to the Lemurian Aquatine Calcite, because Grandidierite also helps us remember the energy of Lemuria. This powerful Aquarius crystal helps you to live your Consciousness on earth.

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